The Client Experience

The Targeted Ulrich Experience

Our three-part approach is tested and formalized, but we retain great flexibility to tailor it to each individual client. While a high net-worth family may express a desire for sophisticated levels of multi-generational planning, some of the foundations we work with place a high value on detailed monitoring and performance reporting. Whatever the case, it’s targeted to the client and derived from our dedication to fiduciary standards.

Planning is critical and is what many individual and family clients derive the most satisfaction from. We will meet with you one or several times to gain a full sense of your goals and objectives. If they’re not well formulated, we can help with that too. We’ll coordinate assets and liabilities — and also any outside tax and estate planning – with the investment plan under development. At this stage, we typically also establish risk-tolerance and asset-allocation guidelines.


Implementation is, for some, where the rubber meets the road. At this stage, we evaluate potential service providers and negotiate fees. We determine optimal portfolio allocation across accounts and legal entities and identify the investment products and strategies we might use. In the event that an investment manager needs re-evaluation, we’ll coordinate those changes, and conduct regular portfolio rebalancing.

Ongoing Monitoring & Reporting reflects not only Ulrich’s emphasis on the importance of building relationships but also our commitment to continued due diligence. Here, we typically provide a comprehensive quarterly performance report and do any portfolio benchmarking or peer-group comparisons that may be helpful. We’ll also do any tax reporting and monitor and control costs. Clients will also receive regular capital markets update from Ulrich.